3-Day Refresh – Day 1


This weekend I opened up the kit and read through the materials. I planned my meals and made my grocery list. After going shopping, I prepped all the food by cleaning, cutting and portioning it out into Tupperware containers. Then the dreaded before pictures and measurements. Thank goodness I have been advising my customers about the importance and how glad you will be to have the befores and afters that I didn’t back out!

IMG_8680Day 1 started out with a bunch of water. I had to make a modification right off the bat because of teaching my INSANITY class. I cannot eat before or I feel sick. So I had my Shakeology with 1/2 a banana right after class.

IMG_7949I opted out of the herbal tea. And went straight for the Fiber Sweep a couple hours later. I was shocked that I didn’t hate the Fiber Sweep because I thought it would be like the detox in the Ultimate Reset. It was surprisingly good. My advise is to make sure to drink it quick before it starts to congeal.

IMG_7951Lunch was a couple hours after that and I had the Vanilla Fresh Shake with water and some crushed ice. I chose not to blend it and drink it by itself. I had carrots with hummus and strawberries in addition to the Vanilla Fresh. Again surprisingly filling.

IMG_9450Afternoon snack was celery with sunflower seed butter. This is another modification for me because my son, Logan, is allergic to nuts so not almond butter in my house. More water. In fact, water all day long really. And again opted out of the herbal tea.

IMG_7954And then came dinner. I was pretty hungry, but I really blame this on the day I had and I really should have eaten my dinner sooner, but I needed to get the boys to bed with their normal routine even if I really should have been eating. No biggie. I chose the Veggie Stir-Fry from the recipe options and this time I did choose to have the optional cup of vegetable broth. I added some fresh herbs to the broth for a little bit more flavor. The veggies were delicious and the broth filled in any left over hungry holes in my belly.

I ended up having about 100 oz. of water total in addition to what was in my shakes!

I can honestly say that I did not go to bed or wake up hungry. I was very satisfied! The only thing I did experience was a little bit of bloating. Not terrible. I can honestly say that it was a really great first day! Bring on Day 2!