3-Day Refresh – Day 2

IMG_7909Another successful day doing the 3-Day Refresh!

Started out with a big cup of water and an early morning PiYo workout and rushing off to get the kids to school. I didn’t get my Shakeology made until after I returned. Same as yesterday: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology with half a banana.

The challenge for today was attending a brunch with a group of friends. I finished up the Shakeology right before I left. This made me full, which was good. The worst part was that it was a sit down brunch and there was what appeared to be delicious frittata, french toast casserole, sausage, and berries with fresh whipped cream. I did it. My will power won this one. I only drank water! Yay me!!

IMG_9473Came home to my Fiber Sweep and followed it up a couple hours later with my lunch. Lunch was my Vanilla Fresh shake, cucumber with hummus, and honey dew.

Just when I was starting feel a bit of hunger, it was time for my afternoon snack. More celery with sunflower seed butter. So good and a little sunflower seed butter goes a long way!

IMG_9474Off to a PTA meeting! The meeting lasted way past when I was to have dinner. Way past! So, when I got home it was 11 pm and I couldn’t wake up the family making my Veggie Stir-Fry and I settled for just the Vanilla Fresh shake and got my tired body into bed. Yes, your heard me say Veggie Stir-Fry again. I really like this recipe and I decided to have it again knowing that I will enjoy it.

Ready for Day 3!