What’s for Lunch? 8/3/2013

Harvest Grains with grilled chicken and broccoli

Staying accountable to your clean eating plan on the weekend can be a challenge. We may feel like we have worked so hard all week that we deserve a break from our clean eating plan. Remember your clean eating plan isn’t just for when we feel a little sick from eating poorly or when we can’t quite get into those skinny jeans. It’s a lifestyle. We stick with this eating and it is a habit. Of course, I believe in a few treats, so don’t deprive yourself. Enjoy your life in the healthiest of ways!!

This What’s for Lunch? meal was delicious! It is quick and easy with a little bit of prep!

Trader Joe’s Harvest Grains Blend (Israeli couscous, along with red and green orzo, split dried garbanzo beans, and red quinoa)
Grilled Chicken
Steamed Broccoli
Salt and Pepper to taste

Prepared the Harvest Grains Blend per the package directions. Grill or us leftover grilled chicken (4 oz). Steam broccoli. Add salt and pepper to taste. I had all of this already prepared from previous meals in the week, so this made for a quick and easy Saturday lunch before heading out to do some errands.

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