3-Day Refresh – Day 3


Yay me! I did it. I finished the 3-Day Refresh and I can honestly say it wasn’t hard. I will also be honest and say that was not the case for everyone that did our Challenge Group.

Started the morning today with Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology with half a banana, water and ice. (Dang it – forgot to take a picture!) I prefer the chocolate, but not bad at all. Followed up with the Fiber Sweep a couple hours later.

IMG_9477Lunch was Vanilla Fresh shake, carrots with hummus and strawberries. I opted to use half the strawberries and blend it in my Vanilla Fresh and eat the other half. So the picture looks a little skimpy on the strawberries.

IMG_9478My afternoon snack was ahhhh-mazing. An organic heirloom tomato (shared from a friend from their Farm Fresh to You box) topped with avocado, Himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper. I have had that combination, obviously, in a salad, but not by itself. I will definitely be having that snack again!!

IMG_9480Dinner was my favorite Veggie Stir-Fry (yes again!!). I was full so decided to wait on the Vanilla Fresh and had it a little later!! It was a little like dessert.

This may not be believable, but I did not suffer or starve during this last three days. I enjoyed the break from junk and will continue on my clean eating journey. Real Food! And I will know that it’s likely I will fall off the healthy, clean eating wagon again, but I have an option to help get me back on with the 3-Day Refresh.

Link to Day 1 Blog Post.
Link to Day 2 Blog Post.
Link to Results.