P90 – Not Extreme – HAS ARRIVED!

p90gatewayAre you new to fitness? Or maybe its been awhile?? If that is you, or if you know someone who could use a little help with their ‪‎health‬ and fitness‬, Tony Horton (creator of Power 90, P90X, P90X2, P90X3 and Ten Minute Trainer) has designed a program that truly is for the beginner.

You may be thinking that I’ve said this before. BUT This program was specifically designed with true ‪‎modifications‬, exercises that are simple enough to do, but still challenging enough to get your body to change. It is 90 days with three distinct phases that progress you through the program. Each phase includes resistance and cardio workouts!

The program is now available. So, if this is you, and you want in on my next TEST GROUP, or you know someone who really needs to press the “on switch” to better health and fitness, please contact me and I’ll get you the details about the program and the test group‬. You will have tons of support‬accountability ‬and guaranteed ‪‎results‬…. or you can return it!

Plus $5 of the first 50,000 Challenge packs sold will go to Wounded Warriors – an amazing cause close to Tony Horton’s heart.

For a limited time the P90 Challenge Pack is on sale for $160 (regular price $180).