I’m starting with the BEST news…
Beachbody has just announced they will release the NEW ANNUAL ALL-ACCESS BEACHBODY ON DEMAND MEMBERSHIP on December 27, 2016! This membership will give you the ability to live stream EVERY program available on Beachbody On Demand 24/7 PLUS all future releases. For a limited time, the All Access Challenge Pack is $199.00—includes *a one year Beachbody on Demand membership
*a 30 day supply of Shakeology
*one set of Portion Fix food containers
*an eating guide
*one large blue container
*one shaker cup
you can just purchase a standalone membership for $99.00. (Current Beachbody On Demand members can easily upgrade to All Access!)
Comment below or email me at coachrobinb@gmail.com and I will make sure to get back to you with a link to this amazing offer on the 27th! THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE FOR A LIMITED TIME!