Busy Moms – Do you believe in yourself? Part I

As moms, we can often second guess ourselves, have guilt and feel like we have failed, but most likely we haven’t. Most likely we have excelled. Most likely it’s all good!!!

One of the issues is all the negative self talk…head trash. It’s horrible and we all must stop it. So it’s time to flush out the negativity. When you flush out the garbage with positive feelings and inspiration, you make room for belief. If you start believing in yourself, you might try something you never thought you could do. And you will start achieving things you never knew you could.

Flush out the garbage and make room so that you can ACHIEVE! You have to do this consciously….how?

Stop watching the news, gossip shows and negativity. (And don’t let your kids watch it. Remember they are watching us and we need to be an example of filling your life with positivity.) Start reading inspirational stories. It’s the perfect time. Pick an Olympic medalist of any sport and find out about them. Put in a motivational cd while you drive (your kids will be listening too!).

You will be amazed how your views change. Try it! Comment below and share how you are flushing the garbage and making room for inspiration and belief in yourself.

Stay tuned for future posts with more tips to bring in and attract positive feelings and inspiration.