Busy Moms – Chia Seeds for Omega-3 and Fiber

chia 4So, I saw this interesting Chia Fresca drink from a pin I saw on Pinterest today….Chia Fresca: A Natural Energy Drink! — Oh She Glows –http://modo.ly/1jYdG80

After reading about the benefits of Chia Seeds:

  • Same amount of Omega-3 as salmon (what??? that’s awesome.)
  • Also high in Omega-6
  • Fiber
  • Calcium

All things Busy Moms and their families need!!!

I followed the recipe on Oh She Glows, but omitted the sweetener. I don’t really think it needed it. The taste was refreshing with the juice of a half a lime.

I really was scared to try it thinking the seeds would be slimy after they set for 10 minutes and got their gelatinous coating, but it was not an unpleasant texture at all. There was a crunch of the seeds, similar to a strawberry seed crunch, when biting on them. So if you don’t like that, then you may want to just gulp it down.

This is definitely something I will be adding to my nutrition going forward!!!

If you were wondering, these were the chia seeds I used. chia 3